Integer dictum est sed est ullamcorper, varius sollicitudin sapien cursus. Phasellus ac eleifend sapien, a aliquet neque. Morbi felis orci, mollis nec mauris eu, lacinia consequat lectus. Maecenas facilisis tempor est nec eleifend. Duis quis nibh gravida, sollicitudin erat non, cursus mauris.


Commander's/President's Special Project

Counselor training to help counsel families. In addition to this, growth and expansion of the children’s minds with music lessons.

The Military Order of the Cootie is now a Purple Heart Organization!

Let's get out into those "Fertile Hunting Grounds" and invite some unsuspecting Atom to take those backward steps and become a part of our "Crummy Fraternity" so they too are able to spread the "Sulphur Ointment of Happiness" to veterans and their families!