Listen Up Cooties (This includes the MOCA),(This is all straight speak)
The Last Cootie Season (2022-2023) is complete, recorded, filed, and forever emblazoned in our hearts and minds. Many milestones were achieved. A huge thank you to our immediate Past Supreme Commander Dwight Hora for all his efforts, travel, and "Paying it Forward”. More importantly, congratulate yourselves for executing the Cootie agenda of "Keepin’ ‘em Smilin’ in Beds of White”.
However, there are many more milestones yet to be attained. I am extremely confident that we will accomplish them. As we "Meet the Challenge” for the ensuing year we will face those challenges together. Many hands make for light work. Operating as a TEAM is the only way we can do it. So, let’s not let petty jealousies or trivial personalities cloud our efforts in completing the mission. But let’s have FUN doing it.
What are some of these challenges? They don’t really change much from year to year. Officially, I am supposed to say, Membership, Membership, Membership, then Recruiting, Hospital work, Inspections, Special Projects, and Blood reports. Those are the common challenges. Then there are special challenges that are unique to every individual. I urge you to NOT face them alone. WE ARE HERE!!!
"In your Darkest Hour,
When the Demons come.
Call upon me Brothers and Sisters,
And WE will fight them together.
COOTIES are the Honor Degree of the Veterans of Foreign Wars and as such we must recruit as many VFW members as possible. By doing so, we will expand our own recruiting pool. The challenge is, by year’s end, we recruit 10,500 new Comrades and at the same time "Increase and Multiply” our own ranks to 10,500 in total Cootie membership.
LET’s have FUN as we….
Yours in LOTCS,
Mark P. Larkin
Supreme Seam Squirrel 2023-2024
Cootie #122 PT-3 of North Carolina